Pylewell Park
Very often, the success of projects undertaken for estates is measured in income, ROI or tax efficiency. But estates are not just cold income generators, they are the homes of the estate owners and their families.
Whilst all our work for estates is constrained by finances, some projects are predominantly about developing the social, leisure and lifestyle foundations of the estate owning family.

Building the team
In undertaking such a high quality and sensitive renovation and development, the creation of a skilled and expert team was of critical importance.
Fowler Fortescue is not bound by the necessity of using in-house consultants, preferring to use independent specialists with specific skills and experience appropriate to the project in hand.
The team that Rebecca Kimber-Danger assembled included concept, technical and landscape architects, structural and mechanical/electrical engineers and a buildings surveyor. Rebecca then needed to faithfully articulate the vision and aspirations of the estate owner and family, as well as identify the specific social and lifestyle requirements to the assembled team. Only with that intimate knowledge, alongside fixed constraints such as budget, could the team begin the process of developing a high-quality plan.
Managing ambitions
The listed status of the buildings meant that the team’s skill and creativity was heavily utilised in order to realise the ambitions of the owner.
Indeed, as the project developed, bold decisions were taken to meet those regulations head on, by proposing solutions that went beyond refurbishment into significant redevelopment. This upgrading of the project was the natural response to ensuring the client’s ambitions were met; turning an underperforming asset into an impressive and growing income stream. A good idea made a great one. The integration of diverse estate assets delivers an incredibly successful commercial and social concept, one that has much more growth potential yet to be realised.
Putting plans into action
As construction began, Rebecca’s role evolved into that of project manager, keeping the various trades working efficiently in parallel and insulating the client from the minutiae of construction detail. Managing this stage of the project can be best described as fast and furious, but that’s where clear-sighted and confident decision making is key. Having an intimate and fine-grained knowledge of the client’s goals and aspirations ensures that decisions can align precisely with them.
With the work now completed, the house and grounds are now a beautifully cut jewel, and the owner can take tremendous pride in having been responsible for uplifting the family estate to its now pre-eminent position for his own family and for generations to come. Success here is measured by the estate owner’s satisfaction today, but will also be measured by history.